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Inclusive Dance Workshop by Propeller Dance

April 28th, 2022

Experience the joy and sensory experience of an inclusive dance workshop by Propeller Dance! Leaders in Canada for dance and disability arts, they invite you to join in a fun, light-hearted, and warm environment for exploring creative movement, following breathwork for tension release, and developing your inner creative dance maker. Workshop will include inclusive technique […]

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Panel: The Art Of Accessibility

April 28th, 2022

Let’s celebrate the bravery it takes to disrupt the status quo and make change for diversity, equality and  accessibility. Join a panel of Erring artists and organizers for a conversation about the art of accessibility. Erring  embraces the power of making mistakes out loud in contrast to an education in being quiet and sitting still. […]

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Panel: King George, Kaawaate

April 28th, 2022

Join a panel of Erring artists who’ve taken over the school at an interesting moment in the history of this land on  which it stands. The current generation of students, many of whom began their institutional education at King  George Public School, will graduate from Kaawaate. What is in a name? What has changed and […]

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