The Dances
Kaha:wi, Four Directions, Young Woman’s Dance
Choreography by Santee Smith
Performances by Jordana Deveau, Mami Hata, Molly Johnson and Meredith Thompson
Music by Jennifer Kreisberg, Pura Fe and Sony Moreno
Kaha:wi celebrates the spirit of women and their connection to Earth. The music and movement emanate from this land honouring the Konkwehon:we (Iroquois women’s) connection to Grandmother Moon, birth and plant world. Feet stomping into Earth, undulating spines and outstretched arms embracing Sky, Kaha:wi embodies feminine force within the life-sustainers (women).
Photo: Joseph Michael Photography
Performers (left to right): Meredith Thompson and Molly Johnson
First premiered at Dusk Dances 2009.

Choreography by Danny Grossman
Performances by Michael Caldwell and Meredith Thompson
Bella was inspired by the opera music of Puccini. In 1977, with the Puccini music and a mutual love of Marc Chagall’s paintings, Danny Grossman and Judy Jarvis set out to make a duet for themselves on top of, under, and around a table. When Mary Kerr arrived to design the sets and costumes, she took her inspiration from the Chagall images they had been using and created a beautiful painted horse as the centerpiece for this charming love duet.
Photo: Yvonne Chew
Performers: Andrea Nann and Gérald Michaud
First premiered at Dusk Dances 2007.

Photuris Versicolor
Choreography by Sylvie Bouchard and Marie-Josée Chartier
Performances by Sylvie Bouchard and Marie-Josée Chartier
Photinus appearance by Michael Caldwell
Live insect-o-sonics by Philip Strong
Twin fireflies get separated at birth. After a journey apart, they find each other again, in a cluster of trees, at Rotary Park. See how they grow to become Photuris Versicolor, or as they like to call themselves, “femmes fatales!”
Photo: John Lauener
Performers (left to right): Sylvie Bouchard and Marie-Josée Chartier
Premieres this year at Dusk Dances.

Choreography by Rachel Bemrose
Assisted by Meggie Pound and Sara Connelly
Performances by Sara Connelly, Madison Sheward, Avery Wright, Eryn Masterson, Brielle Robinson, Jessica Bolton, Sierra Richardson, Mitchell Jones, Rebekah Houpt, and Brayden Cairns
Music Composition by Blake Richardson
A premiere for this year, Rachel Bemrose’s new work L’Eau represents the connection and relationship we have with water, the ways in which it sustains us and is integral to life – and our duty to it – set against the backdrop of Peterborough’s Otonabee River. The musical composition by Blake Richardson is especially captivating and integrates perfectly with the fluid movements of the choreography. L’Eau is a local youth commission piece, combining talent from Peterborough and the Kawarthas with the help of Art for Awareness. For more information about Rachel Bemrose, L’Eau, or Art for Awareness, please visit

July 23 – 26 2015
Workshops run nightly from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Dusk Dances begins at 7 p.m.Venue
Rotary Park is the lower section of Nichols Oval, accessed from Hazlitt
Street on the east side and the London Street footbridge to the west.
Click here to see a map
Workshop meet-up locations TBAAdmission
Admission to the workshops is free.
Admission to Dusk Dances is by donation ($10 suggested, or pay-what-you-can).
Thursday, July 23, 2015 (6:00 – 6:45 p.m.) Circus Arts with Pyrobelle Instructor: Victoria Wood aka Pyrobelle Style of Class: Circus ArtsCome one, come all! Experience and explore the arts of the circus under the expert tutelage of The PyroFly’s Pyrobelle! In true Cirque fashion, participants in this workshop will be exposed to multiple tricks, toys, and movements integral to the art of circustry. A delight for the young and the young at heart! Following the completion of the workshop, Pyrobelle will present a special circus and fire performance.Hooked? Continue taking circus arts classes in the Fall with Victoria and Thomas Vaccaro at the Peterborough Academy for Circus Arts. Meanwhile, learn more about the PyroFlys on their Facebook. | | |
Friday, July 24, 2015 (6:00 – 6:45 p.m.) Maanoo (Let it Happen) Instructor: Hilary Wear Style of Class: Drama/ClownIn this workshop, entitled “Maanoo (Let it Happen),” participants will be lead through a series of playful explorations in cooperative and drama-clown games. Creativity is supported through improvisations, encouraging self- and group-reliance. Hilary Wear is – among other things – a performer, community volunteer, and facilitator of culture-grounded cooperative inter-generational games-playing and drama groups. Most recently she has been developing and touring a Clown character, “Tootah,” who picks up trash, kindly interacts, and longs to know what those bineshiinyag (birds) are saying. | | |
Saturday, July 25, 2015 (6:00 – 6:45 p.m.) Muscle/Bone – Mind/Body Instructor: Bill James Style of Class: Dance/YogaRelax on Saturday evening with Bill James’ introduction to “Muscle/Bone–Mind/Body,” a hybrid dance/yoga class that combines the improvisational and active elements of dance with the rhythmic flow of yoga and stretching in a way which is certain to get everyone moving and relaxed. The workshop is comprised of three periods: the first moves bodies across the space in cycles of rhythmic, percussive movements; the second engages the imagination as the class flows through cycles of improvisation and mindful walking; and the third finishes the session with yoga-based stretches and breathing movements.Continue with Bill’s regular “Muscle/Bone–Mind/Body” classes at Seeds of Change in the Fall. | | |
Sunday, July 26, 2015 (6:00 – 6:45 p.m.) Introduction to Hip Hop Instructor: Nicole Kelly Style of Class: Hip HopWhether you want to learn some new moves for summer or just learn enough to get by, this workshop is for you! Award-winning young choreographer Nicole Kelly will introduce participants of all ages to popular hip hop dance techniques in this fun forty-five minute session. Get moving and try something new in a carefree environment!Continue learning hip hop with Nicole Kelly at Imagine Studios in the Fall. | | |
We are always looking for volunteers for Dusk Dances! More information to follow in the coming weeks, but those interested may also call or email our office at 705-745-1788 or
The Dusk Dances 2015 Press Kit can be found on our Press Page.
For more information, visit or call the Public Energy Office to inquire: 705-745-1788
Media contact: publicenergymedia@gmail.comArtistic Producer Bill Kimbal:
Dusk Dances 2015 is brought to you by the generous support of our community sponsors: