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Moving Pictures: Reel Dance on the Road

February 20, 2004 @ 4PM

The Gordon Best Theatre, 216 Hunter St. W

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February 20, 2004

4:00 pm

The best of the 2003 Moving Pictures Festival of Dance on Film and Video

Photo of Andrea Nann by Vanessa Harwood

Friday February 20
Gordon Best Theatre, 216 Hunter St. W.

REEL DANCE ON THE ROAD. The Moving Pictures Festival comes to Peterborough.
An annual occurrence every October in Toronto, last year’s 2003 Moving Pictures Festival of Dance on Film and Video comes to Peterborough February 20 at the Gordon Best Theatre, 216 Hunter St. W. This year Peterborough New Dance is presenting four programs of Canadian and international films featuring highly creative movement on both sides of the camera.

Tickets, available at the door, are $5 for one program; $8 for any two programs; $10 for 3 or all 4 programs.

The programs are:

4PM-5PM BEATS FOR BRATS an after-school matinee at aimed at young dance fans ages 10 to 14 featuring films from Britain and South Africa.

7:30PM CANADA SHORTS showcasing some of the best new dance films made in Canada from the past year

8:15PM GLOBAL MOVES, featuring films from Britain, Italy and Iceland.

9PM JAZZ DANCE: FROM LINDY HOP TO HIP HOP, a special survey of the history of jazz dance featuring rare film footage dating back to the 1920’s and 30’s.

Program Descriptions

Beats for Brats (aimed at age 10 to 14)

Left or Right for Love d/ Magali Charrier
Float in the moat of your milky thoughts. Puzzle it out and dreams may sprout. Stillness after chaos..and bliss comes down in a box. (UK 2003 6′)

Birds d/ David Hinton
Dance without humans. (UK 2000 9′)

Rubberman Accepts the Nobel Prize
 d/ Karen Pearlman; choreographed and performed by Richard James Allen. This stretchy comedy is a fantastical display of super heroic feats through which Rubberman shows us why action figures deserve more respect. (Australia 2002 6′)

Dialogos d/ and choreographed by Maria Wiener.
Drawing inspiration from the experiments currently taking place at MIT in relation to technologies that can generate holographic video images. (UK 2003 4′)

Horseplay d/ Alison Murray (UK 2000 5′)

The Dive d/ Kia Simon; choreographed by Chris Black.
An impressionistic hand-painted music video exploring love, loss and transcendence into the afterlife. The Dive animates the haunting sounds of San Francisco breaks duo Momu. (USA 2003 5′)

Little White Bird d/ Shelly Love
Little and bird in a big house. (UK 2002 5′)

Guguletu Ballet d/ Kristin Pichaske.
This documentary profiles an extraordinary group of impoverished South African township kids who have dedicated their lives to studying ballet in hopes that it will be their ticket out of the slums. (USA/South Africa 2003 22′)

Canada Shorts

Remeo d/Geoffrey Pugen; choreographed and performed by Alison Denham.
An exploration into the transformations of the body throughout one’s lifetime. Inspired by Norman McLaren’s Pas de Deux. (5′)

Just a minute, please 
d/ Alex Geng; choreographed by Sioned Watkins
A short experimental film of modern dance based on a real event. It is a dream born from a coma. (2′)

24X caprices d/Fréderic Moffet; choreographed by Manon Oligny
When it comes to representations of the body, how far can we go with the most intimate, most troubling material? Where does intimacy begin and voyeurism end? (7:30)

B-girl and Butterfly d/ Sakchin Bessette & Jason Rodi.
An adaptation of the multidisciplinary live performance of X Dance. This is a story of how a butterfly takes an urban girl on a journey through the club, through the city, to the country and back again. (3:40)

Light Years d/ Jenn Goodwin (Toronto)
Elizabeth Langley is one of Canada’s unsung heroes of dance. On her 70th birthday, she contemplates death, celebrates life and continues to dance like no one is watching. (5:30)

Hasta La Proxima d/ Mark Adam; (Montreal)
choreographed by Victor Quijada (Rubberbandance Group).
An office in a skyscraper is the setting for this dancefilm about love, loss and the psychic connection between lovers. (7:25)

Chronic d/ Joe Kelly (Calgary) 16mm film
Chronic is inspired by the work of Etienne-Jules Maray and Eadweard Muybridge and other photographic pioneers who studied motion with photography before the advent of motion picture cameras. (3′)

Global Moves

Burst d/ Reynir Lyngdal; choreographed by Katrin Hall
A couple fights in their bedroom over a burst water pipe. Techniques involving water tank explosions and trampolines. (Iceland 2002 6′)

Anarchic Variations
 d/ Liz Aggiss and Billy Cowie
In six brutally white glaring episodes, Aggiss battles for survival and compassion against the relentless dissonance of Cowie’s virtuosic piano variations. (UK 2002 7′)

Walkabout of Alices
 d/ Simona da Pozzo
Four dancers (Alices through the looking glass) run on asphalt orbits. The sense of attack and inebriation pushes the movement to increase the rhythm and to break out in hiccups. A merry-go-round of female horses. (Italy 2003 2′)

In the Pines d/ Nerea Martinez de Lecea; choreographed by Janine Fletcher.
A short film inspired by traditional Appalachian mountain music. (UK 2001 4′)

andout d/ Duncan Sim ; choreographed by Jane Mason.
On a bedroom floor a disturbed woman remembers dancing and diving with the girl in a red dress. Shot on liocation in Cornwall and the Cayman Islands. (UK 2003 15′)

Aeroplane Man d/ Alison Murray
A trans-global search for identity with Jonzi D. (UK 2003 5′)

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