Nominated for an Academy Award in 2012, Pina is the groundbreaking 3D film made about German dance pioneer Pina Bausch, whose career from the mid 1970s to her death in 2009 transformed the world of dance. The film, which shows Bausch’s company performing her greatest work, was made by another iconic German artist, director Wim Wenders, and since its release has become an art-house blockbuster.
“Pina is a dance movie like no other… It’s an immersive experience that at moments makes viewers feel as if they were dancing too.” (The N.Y. Times)
106 min.
Pina Bausch’s dance works, performed around the world by her company Tanztheatre Wuppertal, attracted audiences far beyond the usual dance-going public, making her one of that rare breed: a huge critical and popular success. Now the film Pina gives audiences who have not seen her work – together with audiences who have seen it and crave more – the chance to experience the thrill of a Bausch performance through the magic of 3D film.
“The 3D in Pina is used in [equally] magical fashion. As Wenders films some of Bausch’s most celebrated productions…he is able to give his images an extraordinary depth of focus. Dancers float in front of us, or race out of the shadows.” (The Independent)
Bausch’s approach to dance sent her in the opposite direction from the abstract work of many of her contemporaries, “creating a form of dance theatre that mixes speech with steps, movement with emotional directness in complex, ever-changing collages of sound, dance and imagery that lay the human condition bare. She is much imitated, but the intensity and honesty of her work makes her unique.” (Sara Compton, The Telegraph).
In the film Pina, Wenders interviews many of the dancers who worked with Bausch, a process that allows audiences insight to one of Bausch’s famous lines: “I don’t care how my dancers move, but what moves them.”