Perilous Voyage, Fabulous Voyage
Co-production with O’Kaadenigan Wiingashk Collective
November 1, 2005 @ 8PM
Market Hall Performing Arts Centre, 336 George St. N
Admission is free, donations gladly accepted.
One of Canada’s foremost playwrights, Tomson will play some music and talk on a number of subjects, including the place of native writers in today’s Canada.
With support from Indigenous Performance Initiatives, Native Studies (Trent University) and the Ontario Arts Council
A full-blooded Cree, Tomson Highway is the proud son of legendary caribou hunter and world championship dogsled racer, Joe Highway. Born in a tent pitched in a snow bank (in December!), he comes from the extreme northwest corner of Manitoba, where it meets Saskatchewan and Nunavut. Today, he writes plays, novels, and music for a living. Of the many works he has written, perhaps his best known are the plays, The Rez Sisters, Dry Lips Oughta Move To Kapuskasing, Rose, and Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout. As well, his first novel, Kiss Of The Fur Queen, spent several weeks on Canadian bestseller lists. He has three children’s books to his credit, all written bilingually in Cree (his mother tongue) and English. He divides his year equally between a cottage in northern Ontario (near Sudbury) and an apartment in the south of France where he is currently hard at work on his second novel.