Trophy (Ottawa)
Fleming Park (427 Aylmer St. N, Peterborough)
Friday October 4 2019
Saturday October 5 2019
Witness stories of life-changing moments of transformation in this pop up living installation at Fleming Park, built around stories by people from our community. Audience members move through at their own pace from tent to tent listening to stories that capture turning points in our lives. The light-filled tents become temporary beacons to a world in changing times, before they vanish off into the night. Drop in anytime during performance times.
Public Energy Performing Arts recognizes the particular social and economic context of Peterborough/Nogojiwanong, and through its presentation of Trophy aims to build understanding and openness by sharing a wide range of personal lived experiences of all people within our communities. This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome. We invite you to join us.
Find out more about the [in]sites series here.
STO TROPHY – English Version from McMillan on Vimeo.
Artist Talk: OCTOBER 6, 11AM-1PM
Fitting In: [in]sites Artist Panel Discussion | Sarah Conn,
Aylan Couchie, Chris Ironside, Allison O’Connor & Anne
Join us for a discussion with the artists from the 2019 [in]sites series as they discuss their projects and site-based practices.
The Art Gallery of Peterborough, 250 Crescent St
Presented by the Art Gallery of Peterborough with Artspace and Public Energy Performing Arts
Artist Bios
Sarah Conn produces award-winning theatre and live art projects, often collaborating with people outside the theatre world. Trophy has been presented at major festivals in Canada and beyond, including the Dublin Fringe Festival and has empowered more than 2,000 people to share stories of transformation and change. Sarah is Artistic Associate for the National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund and received the 2016 Siminovitch Protégé Prize in Directing.
Allison O’Connor is an Ottawa-based sculpture and installation artist, and social art practitioner. Her artistic practice encompasses immersive and interactive installations that prompt viewers to consider the power of their actions or inactions on the environment. She has a body of work rooted in ecology, which includes sculptures made of natural materials, as well as the management and study of honey bees.
Main Image: Dahlia Katz