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Level 1 Takeover – One Day in December

May 2nd, 2022

A site-specific video installation that imagines the experience of a teacher and students who witnessed the great fire at the Quaker Oats factory in 1916 from their classroom at King George Public School. Years later, ghosts of memories appear for an older man who vows peace. Incorporating a song cycle by Susan Newman (music) and […]

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Level 1 Takeover – The Fewings 16mm Educational Film Collection – Audience Choice

May 2nd, 2022

More than 120 16mm films are available for viewing, from a collection of over 2,000 films amassed by former school teacher, Dan Fewings and now being looked after by his son Josh Fewings. The films were acquired from the region’s school systems when they converted to digital in the 1990s. They span the gamut from […]

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The Fewings 16mm Educational Film Collection – Audience Choice

April 29th, 2022

More than 120 16mm films are available for viewing, from a collection of over 2,000 films amassed by former school teacher, Dan Fewings and now being looked after by his son Josh Fewings. The films were acquired from the region’s school systems when they converted to digital in the 1990s. They span the gamut from […]

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The Fewings 16mm Educational Film Collection – Selections from the Collection

April 29th, 2022

More than 120 16mm films are available for viewing, from a collection of over 2,000 films amassed by former school teacher, Dan Fewings and now being looked after by his son Josh Fewings. The films were acquired from the region’s school systems when they converted to digital in the 1990s. They span the gamut from […]

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One Day in December

April 29th, 2022

A site-specific video installation that imagines the experience of a teacher and students who witnessed the great fire at the Quaker Oats factory in 1916 from their classroom at King George Public School. Years later, ghosts of memories appear for an older man who vows peace. Incorporating a song cycle by Susan Newman (music) and […]

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Of Swallows

April 28th, 2022

Presented by Reframe Film Festival Kelly Egan “Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective…Imagine a world alive with incomprehensible objects and shimmering with an endless variety of movement and innumerable gradations of color. Imagine a world before the beginning was the word.” – Stan Brakhage A swallow’s eye is longer than other birds. […]

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Experimental Filmmaking Drop-In

April 28th, 2022

With guidance from the Canadian Images in Conversation (CIIC) collective, explore experimental filmmaking techniques during this interactive drop-in event. Turn a section of 16mm found film footage into your own creation. Scratch, draw, colour, cut, splice and watch your film play back on our 16mm projectors. Presented in partnership with the Reframe Film Festival 

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Ideal School Announcements

April 28th, 2022

Through a series of brainstorming sessions, Laurel Paluck worked with the Kaawaate East City P.S. art class to come up with ideas for an “Ideal School”. From the practical to the fantastical, these students explored and shared their thoughts on where, how and what they wanted to learn. They recorded some of these ideas as […]

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Historic Images of the Armour Hill Neighbourhood

April 28th, 2022

Presented by the Peterborough Museum and Archives The Peterborough Museum & Archives (PMA) is proud to celebrate our neighbourhood with two new digital presentations. The first features portraits of WWI soldiers – former students of the Ashburnham School whose names have been commemorated in the entryway of King George Public School for more than 100 […]

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