Le Flâneur
created and performed by Bill Coleman; music by Curtis Driedger
2:00 PM
LOCATION: Millennium Park, 130 King St. South (Silver Bean Cafe)
SHOW LENGTH: 20 mins
*Please arrive 15-20 minutes early
Photo of Bill Coleman by Wayne Eardley
A costumed dancer and musician perform a series of unplanned performances that traverse the city. The spontaneous nature of the performances, and the travelling-through, avoids gathering of crowds and affects the public through unintentional encounters.
The traditional way of travelling – by foot – has long been the mode of transportation for minstrels, vagabonds … and la flâneur. Flâneur – “to wander with no purpose” – a deliberately aimless pedestrian, unencumbered by any obligation or sense of urgency. Reflecting on this method of traversal, this performance hopes to leave a trail, an experiential presence, reverberating through the people who are indirectly and unintentionally affected.
Wanderers and travellers have traditionally appeared throughout history on our streets and roads following upheaval and change. As a response to COVID-19 pandemic, to unleash our art freely in this manner seems an appropriate response.
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Bill created Hymn To The Universe performed with the legendary Sun Ra Arkestra, Inverted Mountains with John Oswald and Emile Morin in Banff National Park and OutSideIn, a 3D film by Anne Troake with Carol Prieur, which was screened at the 2015 Venice Biennale. Bill’s collaboration with Gordon Monahan – Dollhouse – has been presented in Toronto, Hong Kong, Poland, Edinburgh, and across Canada. Currently Bill is collaborating with writer Lee Maracle and touring an interactive work entitled FELT.
Bill received the 2018 Walter Carsen Award for Lifetime Achievement in dance. Bill has performed in Peterborough more than in any other City. Bill and Curtis have collaborated several times including Glory Days, a full length dance production presented at Market Hall and Winchester street Theatre in Toronto, Duets presented by Toronto Dance Theatre, People for Education Fundraiser CBC Glen Gould Studio, Toronto and several times for Public Energy fundraisers and other gatherings. Most recently Bill tap dance with Curtis’s Cajun Band.
Curtis Driedger is a prolific composer, multi-instrumentalist and gardener. He has collaborated with numerous artists in Peterborough for over 30 years, creating original soundscapes and songs for dozens – too numerous to count – dance, theatre and interdisciplinary projects. All this in addition to leading community-based mandolin and choral ensembles.
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An outdoor fall performance series to be presented between October 2-18 2020 in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong. The Pivot Series is intended for socially distanced outdoor audiences in response to COVID-19 measures. Public Energy Performing Arts has partnered with the Peterborough ReFrame Film Festival to create a short documentary about the Pivot Series for screening at the 2021 ReFrame festival.
The Pivot Series is inviting artists to re-imagine existing work, or create new work for an outdoor site-specific public setting in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong. Locations include parking lots, parks, park pavilions and many more. Performance works are 15-30 minutes in length.