Ottawa Dance Directive
October 9, 2013 @ 8PM
Market Hall, 140 Charlotte St.
Pre-show Chat with Yvonne Coutts, choreographer in the Market Hall lobby at 7pm.
Post-show Reception,meet the artists in the lobby following the show.
$22 / $15 students, underwaged / $5 high school students
Trembleherd Bells
Tedd Robinson
Charles Quevillon
Charles Cardin-Bourbeau
Jasmine Inns
Marilou Lépine
Simon Renaud
Riley Sims
Yvonne Coutts
Jasmine Inns
Marilou Lépine
Visit the Ottawa Dance Directive website here: odd-cdc.org
Ottawa Dance Directive is Ottawa’s leading instigator of independent dance creation. Artistic director Yvonne Coutts has created numerous works which have been presented in Canada, Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Coutts shares this program with another dean of Canadian dance, Tedd Robinson. His work for the Peterborough group Old Men Dancing has already introduced his sly, at times humorous, choreography to Peterborough dance audiences.
A duet for two women, Coutts’ Fracture takes its departure point from the long tradition of the conceptual writing format ‘fractured fairy tales’. With a juxtaposition of strong physical embodiment and role-playing theatricality, the dance takes a cue from the works of American photographers Diane Arbus and Cindy Sherman. Robinson’s recent work, Trembleherd Bells, for four dancers and a musician, reveals his fascination with our indirect lives; how we stumble through our lives unaware of anything except what we run into. The composer for the work is Charles Quevillon, who plays the music live within the dance.
photography by Ben Welland
Yvonne Coutts ODD aristic director and choregrapher, Fracture
Yvonne Coutts’ work has been presented and commissioned in Canada, Europe and the United States. She was the recipient of the 1994 Bonnie Bird Choreographic Award from the Laban Center in England. Yvonne was a company member of Le Groupe Dance Lab from 1988 to 1994 where she worked with artists such as Paul André Fortier, Sylvain Emard, Louis Bédard, Russell Maliphant, Wayne McGregor, Harold Rhéaume, Noam Gagnon, and Tedd Robinson. She was Artistic Associate at the Lab from 2003 to 2006. Yvonne has been nominated for the K.M. Hunter Artists Award three times, most recently in January 2012. She has been on the faculty of the Contemporary Dance Programme of The School of Dance since 2000, an instructor at the University of Calgary, and guest teacher at Grant MacEwan College, The School of Contemporary Dancers, and LADMMI. In September 2010, Yvonne became the Artistic Director of Ottawa Dance Directive/Centre de danse contemporaine (ODD).
Tedd Robinson choreographer, Trembleherd Bells
Tedd Robinson is a Canadian choreographer, performer and educator, best known for his idiosyncratic solo works, including the Chalmers’ award-winning Rokudo: six destinies in three steps. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from York University and studying at the School of Toronto Dance Theatre and with eminent British visual theatre artist Lindsay Kemp, his career trajectory first took him to Winnipeg, where he created highly theatrical ensemble works as artistic director of Contemporary Dancers from 1984-1990. Having returned to Ottawa in 1990 to study with Peter Boneham and pursue a solo career, his critically acclaimed works soon won him a multitude of commissions and an international schedule of teaching and touring. In 1998, he formed 10 Gates Dancing Inc. to promote the development and performance of contemporary dance creations. As artistic director, he has created repertoire for some of the most renowned dance artists in Canada alongside establishing choreographic consulting services for the milieu that have benefitted over 40 choreographers. From 2005-2012, Robinson took up residence in the Pontiac Region of Quebec, where he created La B.A.R.N., a rural venue for creation, residencies and performance. In 2013, he established Centre Q: A Centre for Questioning, a research space for dance and music in Canada’s national capital region which he co-directs with Charles Quevillon. His collaborations have included creation with dance artists Louise Lecavalier (2003-2006), Margie Gillis (2003-2004 and 2012), Ame Henderson (2011-2013), and composer/performer Charles Quevillon (2010-present), Tedd Robinson is a founding member of Projet bk and a National Arts Centre Associate Dance Artist. His work is influenced by his six years of study as a monk in the Hakukaze soto zen monastery in Ottawa.
Charles Quevillon composer
Since 2005, Charles Quevillon has developed a direct approach to musical expression through his electroacoustic and instrumental work. He studied composition in cegep St-Laurent and at the Conservatoire de Musique de Montréal. Now, he specializes in the composition of mixed music. His actual research concerns principally the composition/choreography of the musical performance. It’s through his close collaboration with Tedd Robinson that he has discovered a passion for movement. He performs many of his works himself. His recent piece Corde à Vide was composed for a suspended musician at the center of a chime of plucked-string instruments. He was chosen twice to perfect his compositional skills at the Orford Arts Centre and once at the Académie du Domaine Forget. Charles received a Dora Award nomination for his music for Tedd Robinson’s Sticks, commissioned by Yvonne Ng. He has received grants from the CAC, CALQ, FQRSC and the Socan Foundation.
Guillaume Houët lighting designer
Since 2000, Guillaume has frequently designed for several Ottawa-based theatre companies, among them Cie Vox Théâtre, Théâtre la Catapulte, Théâtre du Trillium, Théâtre de la Vieille 17, Théâtre Dérives Urbaines, GCTC, NAC’s French Theatre, Toronto’s Théatre La Tangente, and lately for Third Wall Theatre’s Blackbird, Turn of the screw, with Screwdriver collective, and Live from the belly of the whale, with Micasa Theatre. Guillaume has also travelled to Rwanda as Stage Manager for Toronto’s Volcano Theatre with « Goodness », and in Europe with José Navas / Company Flak. Recipient of one of five Canadian Achievement Awards given in 2007 by the « Fondation pour l’avancement du théâtre francophone au Canada », Guillaume was also twice awarded for best lighting design at the 2010 and 2011 editions of the Ottawa Rideau Awards, with « L’honnête homme – un one woman show » by author/director Marc Lemyre, and « Écume » with Théâtre du Trillium.
Jasmine Inns dancer
Jasmine Inns, graduated from the Professional Contemporary Dance Training Programme of The School of Dance (TSOD) in Ottawa. She worked for Toronto company, Tilt sound + motion as a dancer and choreographer and her work, jack, was a Tilt rep piece for three seasons. She was commissioned to create a work for Canadian Children’s Dance Theatre in 2005. She is based in Montreal, where she has worked with Daniel Levielle, Louis Bedard and Lara Kramer. She presented new work in 2008’s Hit the Deck at La Nouvelle Scene in Ottawa. In 2008’s Piss in the Pool and 2009’s Short and Sweet: Shorter and Sweeter she presented collaborative works with Justin Gionet. In September 2010, she performed in Kate Hilliard’s the Brutes at the Theatre Centre in Toronto. She danced four seasons with Sursaut and is currently dancing for ODD and Simon Renaud.
Marilou Lépine dancer
Marilou Lépine, poursuit ses études en danse au Cégep de St-Laurent. Après l’obtention de son diplôme, elle quitte Montréal pour la ville de Hull afin de poursuivre son apprentissage à TSOD, l’école de danse professionnelle d’Ottawa, où elle a la chance de travailler avec des chorégraphes de renoms et où elle peut pousser plus loin ses qualitées d’interprète. En août 2010, elle participe au camp L.A.B.A.R.N. de Tedd Robinson, où elle a la possibilité de découvrir le travail de ce chorégraphe. Trois semaines après, Marilou débute son premier contrat professionnel à Ottawa pour Ottawa Dance Directive.
Riley Sims dancer
Riley Sims is a graduate from The School of TDT’s Professional Training program in Contemporary Dance and the Musical Theatre program at Wexford School for the Arts. Riley has danced for choreographer Darryl Tracy of ‘Four Chambers Dance Projects’ and in ‘Dances for Youth by Youth’ a project involving graduates from ‘The School of Dance Contemporary Dance Program’ mentored by Peter Boneham. He has performed in Danny Grossmans ‘Triptych’ for ‘Older and Reckless’ and a Bravofact film by Allen Kaeja. He presents his own work under the title ‘Social Growl Dance’ and currently dances for ODD.
Charles Cardin-Bourbeau dancer
Charles Cardin-Bourbeau is a graduate of the Professional Contemporary Dance Training Programme of TSOD. He has worked with choreographers Sylvie Desrosiers, Louise Bédard, Lesandra Dodson, Heidi Strauss, Lana Morton, Sarah Williams and recently for Noam Gagnon as an intern with ODD. He has spent the past two summers with the Dancing in the Street team for TSOD in Ottawa and performed in L’ptit bistro, by Caroline Barrière.